You will be in luck if you're looking for unlimited free
browsing cheat with your MTN SIM. We have a working free browsing
setting that enables you to browse with MTN for free. This free
browsing only works for those in Ghana and South Africa, so you won't be
able to browse free of charge unless you're in Ghana. But also for other
nations, we have another free browsing cheat. Maybe you want to check other
tricks for free browsing on this website.
Just as we did from our last popular article on the internet
trick article, we will also release this tweak publicly and therefore will not
authenticate it using HTTP Injector so that people towards other devices can
also port it with their own systems. The same applies to Android customers who
want to use other tunneling apps like HeaderTun VPN, AnonyTun, Droid VPN, Open
VPN, and so on.
Because not everybody knows how to run a VPN. Some users
might find it difficult to set up their VPN to cheat for free browsing. In this
article I present a VPN that enables anyone to browse the Internet without
charge by clicking on a button.
We are setting up MTN Ghana free browsing cheat by the
well-known AnonyTun VPN. The AnonyTun or Http Injector VPN MTN Ghana browsing
is unlimited and quick, plus you can configure it easily.
Update: The recent AnonyTun MTN free browse cheat update for
this applications. In contrast to the earlier settings of and
the previously blocked host, this one
utilizes a completely fresh host.
The settings with the recent operating host have again been
updated. has already been blocked. A fresh
host utilizes the fresh settings as normal. You only need to modify your host
and application method if you have used our settings, and then you should be
back online.
Credit to one of the Group Administrators to test and verify
this new AnonyTun MTN Ghana Free Browsing Cheat. There is little distinction
between this fresh configuration and prior configurations, as you would see
Most of the things you need to setting up the Http Injector
config file VPN free MTN Ghana browsing cheat are:
Your mobile phones
MTN SIM card without data (no data subscription)
AnonyTun / Http Injector VPN (Get it on play store)
You can only browse with your MTN sim free of charge when
you fulfill these minimum standards.
The following is set to browse the MTN Ghana/ South Africa
with AnonyTune or Http Injector VPN in free. I have removed two distinct
configurations, so that you can use whatever configurations you prefer.
AnonyTun AnonyTun Free Browsing Ghana
Step 1:
Start your AnonyTun or Http Injector VPN and click on
Settings Stealth Turn Tunnel
Connection Protocol: TCP
Input 80 for Connection Port
Turn on Custom TCP/HTTP Header
Click on edit custome TCP/HTTP and set it as follows
Request method: GET
Injection method: Normal
Under extra header tick Keep Alive, Online Host, User-Agent.
Click on the generate button to save your settings.
Step 2:
Start the AnonyTun or Http Injector VPN with Stealth
Configurations Turn on Stealth Tunnel Connection Protocol: HTTP Input 8080 Turn
on Custom TCP / HTTP header Turn on Connection Port
Click Custom TCP / HTTP Header Edit now and enter the
Method: GET Injection method: Normal
In addition to header cards Keep Alive, Online Host,
Benutzer-Agent, User-Tick. Method: GET-Injection technique: Normal
To save your settings, click on the Generate button.
Click save to save now. You will realize the best
performance is on the default server. You can pick any of your favorite servers
in other areas by clicking on it. Click on Connect and your AnonyTun VPN should
be connected after you've selected a region. After that, you can free browse
the internet.