Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tweakware vpn for free browsing cheat

Hi guys friends, I give you additional configurations to appreciate the Tweakware VPN MTN 0.0 K cheat, which will follow after sharing Ghana AnonyTun VPN settings. If MTN Ghana AnonyTun VPN is only for those in Ghana, then it is sure that Tweakware VPN will operate with Nigerians.

 We must also bear in mind that this cheat is not unlimited, since it is capped daily. It's not bad if you ask me and also because for months we've enjoyed it now.
What is Tweakware Vpn
MTN free browsing cheat app is Tweakware VPN. It works without an active data or airtime on the balance of your account. For this free browsing cheat, your Android phone, MTN 3 G or 4 G SIM without any information are among the demands. In addition, you need to download Tweakware VPN App from HERE. And you can get a fresh Tweakware MTN 0.0k file from our site. Both settings files have been updated so that you can download, appreciate and share with friends.

Let's go directly to the complete configuration.

MTN 0.0k Free Browsing Cheat For Tweakware VPN

Free internet requirements
You nee Android phone
MTN 4G or 4M sim without any data plan
Download Tweakware VPN apk app from here

How to set MTN Cheat on VPN Tweakware

>Firstly, get the Tweakware VPN app from the above link
Secondly, Make installation of the app and run Tweakware app
Now Tap on Settings Icon > Custom Tweak > then set it as shown below:

Set your Connection Mode to: HTTP
Your Server Port: 8080
Set your Host Header: mtn1app.mtn.com
Don't tick Reverse Proxy
Proxy Host:
Proxy Port: 8080
Leave other settings as it was.

Now navigate back to previous main menu and checkt Free Server. And in the second box, check the Custom
> Finally, tap on Connect. It will connect within 60 seconds.

These are all friends. For more cheats and discussions, don't forget to join our Whatsapp group.

If you'd like to overcome the 10 mb cap and experience the 2019 MTN free browsing cheat unlimitedly, then this article is for you. We posted both Syponshield VPN and Spark VPN settings on this blog before but we found that many users were unable to use more than 10 MB or even get linked first. Here is a new approach using HTTP Injector and its ehi config file, which you will change this month of the year to experience unlimited MTN free browsing cheat. Thanks to blogs providing a free http injector MTN ehi config file.

HTTP Injector vpn offers a faster access and corrects the irritating issues you are having with AnonyTun and other vpn applications. The most interesting thing is that this app can be downloaded and used on Android phones completely free of charge. After that, I'll show you how you can apply the setting of HTTP Injector and import the MTN setup. Recall that this trick works on both Android and PC and it is still burning.. Below is everything you need to begin with.

HTTP Injector config ehi file for  mtn free browsing

Install HTTP Injector Setup here for MTN. Or get the new working Telegram team configuration file (New Config Update in August 2019).
How to import the HTTP Injector VPN configuration file
Tap the Sheet icon at top right corner, tap on the Import Config link and then find the MTN Ehi file Config and tap it to import it. Download the app and configuration file from the url earlier in this thread.
Above are the few step to setup MTN free browsing cheat http injector config ehi file for South Africa users.
Http injector mtn Ehi Config file